Tuesday, January 02, 2007

elisabeth loves cat food!

she is a cat.

i am just kidding. but that would be pretty funny. grandma thought so, when i told her.

today i was showing elisabeth the controller for the gamecube and explaining it. the arrows make you move, and the green button makes you attack. she looked at me cross-eyed, and then at the wall. but i think some of it sunk in. she will be playing super smash brothers with me when she gets a little older. i figure it is a good thing to start getting her familiar with the controls.

christmas was a good time! actually, it keeps on happening. we had christmas morning with mom and dad and our stockings, then the next day we had christmas presents with my cousins and aunt and uncle and two grandparents and three great grandparents. then the other day my aunt michelle sent us presents in the mail. then yesterday we went to grandma and papa's house and had presents and good food. and this weekend we are going to my grandpa's house! i do not remember christmas lasting forever like this before, but i do not remember much from when i was two or one or zero years old.

among my favorite presents:

a mr. potato head with a corn friend and a carrot friend
an airplane with some little people inside
a light saber
a writing computer with word games
a gigantic frog to sit on (he even has a saddle!)


Anonymous said...

sam, it sounds like you got some really cool presents! that mr. potato head is the best...so have you tried any cat food yet? ---katy

Anonymous said...

My friend got a Darth Tator Potatohead..oh yes. It has a potato and cheese dispenser in addition to the hat thing and saber. She also has a Luke Skywalker one but I can't remember what it's called. You'd like it.